MST Excel Based Analytics Platform is a simple, yet very powerful data analytics solution for small, mid size and large corporations.

Safe cloud computation (data resides on your computer) , no knowledge of coding or any coding required. Speeds up data analytics and development of machine learning and artificial intelligence models
MST Excel Based Analytics Platform

Why Excel Based Analytics Platform?

Excel Based Analytics Platform is for all small, mid size and large corporation. It accelerates data analytics, and developing machine learning and artificial intelligence models.

Fast & fully automated

Rapidly build and deploy fully automated AI-Powered models.


Easily monitor performance of your model by detailed report produced.


Allow rapid distribution of results of analytics within organization for to enhance faster decision making process.


Can be tailored to your specific needs by leveraging the attributes of your data and our AI expertise.

Automated AI , ML inside Excel

Automated AI, ML inside Excel

Instantly run machine learning and artificial intelligence models, visualize, share data and results in Excel. You do not need any coding experience, simply follow the instructions to select from the prebuilt models or create your own.
Access/Prepare Data

Variety of file management functions are available.

Select ML/AI model from the list

Select a general or industry related model from MST catalogue.

Run the Model & visualize the result

Run the model and get the results instantly. Use the advanced visualization.

Share/Collaborate with teams

Share your insights and results with your team.

A Catalogue of powerful Time Series Forecasting Models

Solve forecasting problem with our extensive library of classical, machine learning and deep learning time series models.


Predict the likelihood of future events by using advanced time series machine learning models.


Decompose your data to trend and multi-seasonality to get a clear picture of variable of interest.

Scenario-based Analysis

Leverage scenario-based outcome analysis in complex decision-making process.

Monitor Performance

Compare performance indicators such as MAPE or Autocorrelation of several models to find the best fit.

Optimization Solutions

Optimization Solutions

Faster decisions in a dynamic business environment.
Empower your team with AI optimization to run broader range of what-if scenarios than traditional approaches to identify the best possible actions in rapidly changing business conditions.
AI Methodologies

Migrate from lingering and inaccurate conventional optimization to AI-driven optimization.

Stochastic Optimization

Utilize advanced optimization techniques such as Baysian for stochastic optimization.

Create Pipeline

Combine optimization with other Axcel models such as time series to create a scenario-based decision-making pipeline.

Fast response

Develop and deploy optimization models, quickly, and significantly improve business outcomes.

MST Rich Catalogue of Fine-Tuned Pre-Built Excel Models & Solutions

Optimizer Models: Location optimizer

Forecasting Models: ARIMA, ETS, SPLINE, TBATS, TSLM

Time Series Analysis Models: ARIMA, ETS, SPLINE, TBATS, TSLM, Decompose, Run, Features

Classifications Models: Anomaly, Classifier, Clustering

Regression Models: GLM, OLS

Data Management Models

Visualization Models

Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics Models

Automated Machine Learning Models: AUTOGLM, AUTOML, MODELS

XTRADE Models: Stochastic, BBANDS, Volatility and 10 more functions

MST Rich Catalogue of Fine-Tuned Pre-Built Excel Models & Solutions MST Rich Catalogue of Fine-Tuned Pre-Built Excel Models & Solutions